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Navigating in Woods

Graphic Design

Victoria is a more of a graphic artist than a graphic designer. Her love of traditional letterpress and block printing shows through in the digital format. 

her work has appeared on billboards, fliers, books, websites, and more throughout southwest Michigan.  

she designs primarily as the public relations and media director of friends of New troy community center. 


however, she will take an occasional project for hire if it aligns with her schedule, capacity, and values. 



I sold everything that I loved
so that I could pay a woman to teach me how to breathe. 
what an incredible thing to forget!
how our birthright gets lost so easily! 
We have not completed this cycle,
but we are off and on to the next.
do you remember how to do something so simple?
Do you recall how to patiently wait for it to complete?
fully, expansively, relaxed yet full...
Do you remember how to breathe?  

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